Get out of your comfort zone and get a real experience of what it’s like to go on a mission for God!

MMM Weekend Warrior, One Day Warrior and Weekday Warrior experiences are the ideal way to experience mission first-hand.

By joining us for a day or a weekend, you’ll get a brief – but very real – experience of what mission work is really like.

As a Weekend, One Day or Weekday Warrior you’ll travel with MMM staff and get the opportunity to use your energy and skills to help Christian ministries with building, renovation and maintenance works.

You get the chance to expose yourself to the mission work that other Christian groups are doing, often in a completely different culture, and be part of a team that contributes to a work project to benefit the people you are visiting.

“…It was encouraging to share with one another and discover that we really can make a difference.”

As well as providing you with a fantastic way to expand your faith in action, the increased awareness of mission in your own life, and the opportunity to expose yourself to activities outside the bounds of your own neighbourhood and culture, can result in spiritual benefits which extend to the entire church family!

You might work at a youth centre, drug rehabilitation facility, health centre, church, school or orphanage. You may take a cross-country coach trip to help build or maintain several facilities. Or perhaps you’ll travel to an overseas destination to help with a single project.

And, it’s not just for individuals. If you have a group with the skills and the heart to become involved, talk to us about Mission Awareness Tours. It’s the perfect way to increase awareness of mission in your church community, build a greater commitment to God and extend your church life into this important field.

Whatever your Warrior experience involves, it’s sure to blow your mind…and capture your heart!

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