If you’re looking for a way to combine your commitment to serving God with a love for adventure, why not ‘hook up’ with MMM?

Maybe you’ve just retired, or been made redundant well before you’d planned to finish work. Maybe you’re planning to retire, but not sure what you’re going to do once you’re free of the daily ‘nine-to-five’. If this sounds like you, God still has work for you to do!

Most people who finish work today are fit and healthy with loads of energy, education and resources to devote to the rest of their life. Yet the secular work environment offers few opportunities for you to put that energy, skill and experience to use.

As a Caravaner, you’ll live in and maintain your own self-styled camper or caravan (your personal home away from home), taking your tools and equipment with you as you travel with one of our mobile work teams to handle a variety of building and maintenance requests for people who are beyond the usual commuting distance of MMM Centers.

It’s life ‘on the edge’ – right at the coalface – and it’s about the most exciting way you’ll find of serving God in a practical way.

MMM values your lifetime of experience, your wealth of skills and the wisdom that only comes with maturity. Our mobile work teams may be the perfect opportunity for you to apply your talents to a wide range of practical projects, doing exactly the kind of work MMM was created to fulfill.

It’s a unique way to serve God and support Christian mission – and an exciting way to experience different cultures, missions and projects first-hand.

If you think life as a Caravaner is for you, as part of your longer term lifestyle or retirement plans, go and have a chat to your local MMM Centre.

Not sure yet?

Then why not ask us about taking a working holiday as a Caravaner, joining one of our mobile work teams during your next break?

It’s the perfect, practical holiday for singles, couples, young families or early retirees – in fact, anyone with a few practical skills, a bit of energy and a real commitment to furthering the Kingdom of God.

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